OMG! We’ve been selected as one of the best pizzerias by the food and wine Guide Identità Golose
It’s always a beautiful and joyful feeling when our work gets recognized! Once again, this year we’ve been chosen amongst the best pizzerias in Italy and Europe by the Guide Identità Golose, one of the most prestigious food and wine guides.
The reiteration of this recognition gives us the opportunity of thanking our incredible staff that everyday is committed in preparing delicious pizza with living sourdough and that, in spite of the incredibly difficult times we’re living in, has never stopped believing in our project.
Are you curious about what Identità Golose says about us?
The review!
“Tasty, light and digestible doughs, made with stone-ground organic flours and an incredibly careful attention to every step of production, from the temperature inside the oven to the temperature of serving. 85% of certified organic ingredients (a characteristic that they don’t like to flaunt, because they don’t want to be confused with those who declare they use organic ingredients, without actually doing it). The table service is easy-going, topped with smiles and an informal attitude, without burdening the client with the seriousness of quality and effort put into the product”.